André Langlois

Head of Web
Development & Services

André brings nearly two decades of web operations experience to Aragona Agency.

He has previously worked as a web developer, systems analyst, web services manager, and leads a team of web operations specialists. He also was the co-owner of Bowzer Box — a company that shipped a monthly box of goodies to dogs around the country.

At the agency, André and his team oversee and execute all web development and web-related activities that are standalone services or part of larger programs.

André received a diploma in Computer Programming from Algonquin College.

Interests, Likes, & Passions

Pantheon Hosting Services (100%)
The Hosting Service That Must Not Be Named (5%)
Clearing All the Web Support Ticket Requests (90%)
Covid-19 Ruining His Work/Travel Routine (5%)

1000 Innovation Drive, Suite 592 | Ottawa, ON Canada K2K 3E7

Phone: (613) 836-1892 |

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